Of Carts, Horses, and Evangelists

The year is 1968, and Spencer Ferguson Silver III, a chemist…

Zendesk: More than Meets the Eye. Unlocking Hidden Features with a Review

Laying the Groundwork – is your Zendesk being used to its maximum…

How to streamline and automate employee expenses with iMovo’s BizBox solution

Managing employee expenses can be a time-consuming and tedious…

Automating your expenses processing: Introducing BizBox Employee Expense

iMovo's second solution, BizBox Employee Expense, is designed to automate employee expense claims, reducing the time and effort required to process, approve and settle expenses by up to 70% and increasing employee satisfaction. 

Automating Your Accounts Payable Invoice Processing

As the uncertain economic climate continues and businesses seek…

iMovo Ltd launches BizBox

An innovative solution that helps companies rapidly take advantage…

Understanding the way of Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) has become one of the hottest topics in…

The future of business is already here

The adage “the future is already here, it’s just not evenly…

The benefits of CRM implementation in the retail industry

Customer satisfaction is a key metric for retail businesses. This is because customer satisfaction drives repeat purchases, which often leads to higher revenue over time. A CRM system can help improve the customer experience and drive more positive reviews from your customers. It also helps you track the progress of each individual transaction so that you know what works best for your business. 

Of Carts, Horses and Evangelists

The COVID-19 pandemic has induced a marked and necessary drive towards digital transformation.  Such transformation is promoted as necessary to address the profound changes in consumer behaviour, the two most marked being a significant and sudden increase in online shopping and the relatively faster adoption of digital services.